661. Antebellum Print Culture and the Digital Archive
Sunday, 11 January, 8:30–9:45 a.m., 224, VCC West
Program arranged by the American Literature Section
Presiding: Ryan Cordell, Northeastern Univ.
Speakers: Amy Earhart, Texas A&M Univ., College Station; Leon Jackson, Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia; J. Gerald Kennedy, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge; Jerome J. McGann, Univ. of Virginia
Responding: Meredith L. McGill, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick
For abstracts, write to jgkenn@lsu.edu after 1 Dec.
Session Description:
The widespread digitizing of virtually all nineteenth-century books, periodicals, and newspapers has created new online access to previously obscure materials. This panel assesses how digital technologies are facilitating new ways of doing research as well as promoting broader conceptions of "literature," the publishing world, and the circulation (and reprinting) of texts.